Webfries is in the business of Website designing, mobile app development, digital marketing, etc. from the last 3+ years, we have had several challenges to overcome before reaching the top position in the Web Agencies serving the customers both in India as well as abroad. This post is drafted sharing our experiences like what were the main challenges we faced and how we overcame them to become what we are now. This article will be very handy for anyone who is planning to enter this domain.
Two focal things we have seen at any point in time are “change” & “uncertainty”. This domain is such that agencies have to keep evolving themselves and remain embraced with latest trends and technologies and second factor i.e. uncertainty comes in as generally end user is not sure what is the final outcome they are looking for and agencies spend a good amount of time understanding it and in the process, frustration creeps in.
#1 Am I a BD firm or a tech firm?
If someone gets into this domain, business is difficult to come by. Tech firms if start spending time and money in getting business, their strengths of being good in technology are slowly and gradually diluted to sales efforts as they have to keep on the midnight lamp. If company founders are good in BD and have a good network in place, a Web design company in Gurgaon delivery remains a challenge (covered in subsequent points). Generally, it has been seen that in the rush, agencies try to pick orders at low price points, and in the gradual process of delivery, they falter badly. It takes a good amount of references and time before customers start paying you the premium, this sets in when credibility is built for your brand in the market.
The solution to address this problem is to keep your team technical and become good in Digital Marketing. The Sooner you will learn about its tricks, the sooner you expect to get more qualified leads and the business. After that delivery sets you apart from the competition.
#2 You need multiple pillars to run the company
Just website designing which is the majority of a one-time activity will bring you to the limited revenue stream. For every opportunity, you need to work upon every single day, every single week and month. And our experience says web designing project desires much more than content placement and deliver the site. The delivery cycle Web design company in Salem is generally higher than anticipated. To reach the stage of “Perfect Website” remains a never-ending fulfillment. Chances are less if you just rely on one service and still manage to hit the bull’s eye every single month.
The solution is to have multiple services on which you can be good like Mobile app development, Digital Marketing, content writing, designing jobs, etc. Keep the portfolio optimum in terms of one-time activities and recurring business.
#3 Clients, clients, clients
Most of the clients you will come across will remain professional and will value your work. They give creative inputs and complete inputs (difficult to come by ). However, you can be sure to get across customers who can make your life a little jerky. They get into a different mode quite fast, push you to the limits, make a demand to keep their work first in the queue always, can ask for changes out of blue every now and then and worst is you are not paid extra for it.
Coming to the solution part, try to start any new association with the small job – this gives a chance to build a credible reputation with the customer. Also, you get a fair idea about the customer as well. If your instinct says it’s building out quite nicely, there is no reason why it will not happen accordingly. Just in case it’s not happening in the right way, better to part ways.
#4 Be assertive and say “No” if need be
In your journey, you will be coming across multiple projects which become a “5 years’ plan” in a true sense. Customers’ demand keeps on changing/ increasing and the project starts becoming a financial burden on you. This can happen in any industry and also to say ‘No’ for any job is a huge task in itself.
As you and your team members have a huge bill to pay every month, it’s important to finish the projects on time, and if unnecessary it’s dragging costing your money, send follow-up reminders to the customer. Even after that support is not extended, parting way amicably is the best decision you can make.
#5 Market pricing
It is the most sensitive topic as unless you become a brand, it is tough to ask for the price which premium agencies are paid for. It’s tough to identify the right price for your firm. It’s tough to match the target pricing set by the freelancers (one-man army). Not all customers are willing to pay what you expect.
The solution is to identify your USPs, work on your strengths. Get the confidence and ability in the team where you can tell your potential customers you have it in you to deliver what they want and this website will be good enough which will bring revenue to your customers.
#6 Emergence of DIY tools
Lots and a lot of customers have started opting for DIY site tools like Wix or Godaddy etc. They are not complaining if they can not do everything and run all the features. They are fine to pay less money and satisfied with the outcome built with their own hands.
What you need to do is to wet your fingers in the DIY tools and help your customers to get the final thing what they expect. It will tangentially help you keeping the team size small if you have customers who are happy taking such websites.
#7 Keep your books in Green
As an Agency founder, the main emphasis should be on keeping your balance sheet in Green. Positive cash flow can only help you in running the business.
The solution is simple yet tough to implement – Spend less and earn more. And wheel it again and again.
These are 2 cents from our side – As leading website designing company in Gurgaon believe in harmony in the industry and really back the new entrants in the segment, it makes the competition healthy. We have faced the challenges and found out the solutions, if you are a start-up and looking for some suggestions from our end, feel free to contact us anytime by visiting www.webfries.com | call us at +91 124-4379-633.